© 2005 Copyright uTeacher project


  framework map


  framework model



Framework model


The teacher’s professional profile aims to capture the identity of a teacher capable of functioning successfully in the evolving school scenario:  the CEF focuses on a specific area of that profile, namely those aspects that are in some way related to ICT and its adoption for education within the knowledge society.


The CEF is conceived in the form of an iris to emphasise the layers of social orientation and action extending outwards from the individual and also extending inwards from the broadest environment. 


The different sectors of the iris (e.g.. pedagogy, subject matter, organisation, etc.) represent the various contexts of the vision and action of the innovative teacher, the spheres of activity within which the teacher orients him/herself and constructs relationship patterns with the various actors within the educational field. 


The concentric bands within the iris (self/pupils/colleagues/external environment)   represent the areas of social action of the teacher,  i.e. the dimensions of action in which the teacher participates, and defines him/herself and the vision of educational praxis. 


A sector of the iris

Accessing a specific sector, a brief description of the general context is provided along with the related relationship patterns (self/pupils/colleagues/external environment). The brief abstract contained within each relationship represents  a gateway to analytical content addressing a number of different elements:

  • description, a highly abstract description of teacher practice related to the specific relationship pattern and the given content domain;

  • context of the actions related to the practice, describing the external conditions determining the needs for these actions;

  • actions related to this practice, describing some of the most significant actions to be taken in order to face the emerging needs described in the context;

  • knowledge areas related to the activities involved, describing the knowledge and skills needed to perform the above actions;

  • references, which deepen the domain dealt with;

  • issues and case studies, illustrating some of relevant issues related to the cell and examples of good practices for addressing these issues.



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