© 2005 Copyright uTeacher project

  subject  matter
  professional development

E T H I C S  

Making one’s prime responsibility the education and welfare of all the students in one’s care and accepting ICT as important for creating a knowledge society.

Gearing one's practice to the principle that the education and welfare of all the students in one’s care is one’s prime responsibility.

Teachers are encouraged to play a positive and active role in cooperating with colleagues and interacting inside teachers’ communities of practice using ICT tools and resources in an appropriate way.

Recognising responsibility to prepare citizens able to live in harmony with the social and physical environment.


General Context


Computers have become almost as widely used as telephones, therefore related ethical issues have become more democratically defined. More people have more to say about computer ethics simply because so many people are computer literate. The diffuseness of the impacts and the wide distribution of the technology mean that recognizing impacts, let alone solving an ethical dilemma, is much more difficult. Ethical principles applied to millions of computer users effectively become the equivalent of common law. When teachers reflect on ethical issues with regard to ICT and the Internet, these reflections will be grounded in the general system of moral and ethical values of education in general and their school in particular. Issues should be openly discussed, a multitude of opinions considered and several possible actions envisaged and judged.







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