© 2005 Copyright uTeacher project

  subject  matter
  professional development

The Common European Framework (CEF) is conceived in the form of an iris to emphasise the layers of social orientation and action of innovative teacher.

The sectors of the iris (e.g. pedagogy, subject matter, etc.), represent the content domains of the teacher’s educational action.

The concentric bands within the iris (self, pupils, etc.)  represent specific contexts of interaction with the various actors within each sector.




How to navigate the framework

You can access the framework contents in two ways:

- by navigating the menu shown above, or

- by positioning your mouse pointer over the iris on the right and clicking on the desired sector title or specific cell within that sector.

F R A M E W O R K   M A P   

go to pedagogy sector - self go to pedagogy sector - pupils go to pedagogy sector go to pedagogy sector - colleagues go to pedagogy sector - environment go to organisation sector go to organisation sector - environment go to organisation sector - colleagues go to organisation sector - pupils go to organisation sector - self go to technology sector - self go to technology pupils - self go to technology sector - colleagues go to tecnology sector - environment go to technology sector go to professional development sector - self go to professional development sector - pupils go to professional development sector - colleagues go to professional development sector - environment go to professional development sector go to ethics sector - self go to ethics sector go to ethics sector - pupils go to ethics sector - colleagues go to ethics sector - environment go to policy strategies sector - self go to policy strategies sector go to policy stategies sector - pupils go to policy strategies sector - colleagues go to policy strategies sector - environment go to innovation sector go to innovation sector - self go to innovation sector - pupils go to innovation sector - colleagues go to innovation sector - environment go to subject matter sector go to subject matter - self go to subject matter sector - pupils go to subject matter sector - colleagues go to subject matter sector - environment


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